Edmond Taxi Accident Lawyer

Edmond Bicycle Accident Lawyer

When you get into a taxi in Edmond, the expectation is that you will arrive at your destination safely. Unfortunately, for many accident victims, this is not always the case. Taxis may crash for a variety of reasons, and you may suffer serious injuries as a result. These injuries may prevent you from living a normal life, and they may cause permanent consequences. Faced with these implications, victims often feel unsure of how to proceed. But taxi accident victims in Edmond are not alone. With help from McGuire Law Firm, you can pursue compensation and justice for your taxi accident in Edmond. 

How Can Taxi Accident Lawyers in Edmond Help Me Get Compensation?

Edmond has a population of almost 100,000, making it the fifth-largest city in Oklahoma. With a decent population, transport is important. Many people in Edmond choose taxis after a night out – perhaps hoping for a safe route home after a few too many. Other residents may be forced to rely on taxis because of disabilities or other limitations that prevent them from driving their own vehicles. 

Taxi accident lawyers in Edmond can help you pursue compensation in a number of different ways. It all starts with an initial consultation, during which you can discuss your unique needs and circumstances. From there, your lawyer can start to formulate an action plan as they seek compensation on your behalf. That being said, here are a few general steps a lawyer might take to help you pursue the compensation you need:

  • Providing personalized legal advice
  • Investigating the circumstances of your taxi accident
  • Negotiating with insurers and defendants for fair settlements on your behalf
  • Gathering evidence
  • Requesting the correct medical records from you and helping you document your injuries
  • Establishing fault
  • Filing documents with the court
  • Representing you in court if necessary

Note that the last step is rarely necessary since most civil cases are settled out of court. This means that most taxi accident victims do not need to go through a time-consuming trial process. Instead, they accept settlements and agree not to pursue further legal action. As long as you receive a settlement that covers your damages, this serves everyone’s best interests. 

Common Injuries Sustained by Taxi Accident Victims in Edmond

Taxi accidents may lead to a wide range of injuries. Victims may suffer the same general injuries associated with normal car accidents, such as:

  • Head injuries
  • Fractures
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Burns
  • Disfigurement
  • Bruising
  • Internal organ damage
  • PTSD
  • Whiplash

That being said, taxi accident victims often suffer injuries while sitting in the back seat of vehicles. Those sitting in the back seat may be more at risk for certain injuries, such as chest injuries. Backseat passengers are particularly vulnerable to these types of injuries if they are not wearing their seatbelts. While wearing your seatbelt is always a smart decision, passengers may not have time to buckle up after getting into a vehicle.

For example, a taxi driver might pull out into the road immediately after a passenger gets in the back seat. This might not give a passenger enough time to buckle up before they are rear-ended by another vehicle. Remember, taxi drivers are always on the clock, and they are always rushing. Another example involves pulling over in an unsafe location. Passengers might unbuckle their seatbelts in order to get out their wallets, only to be struck by another vehicle due to the unsafe stopping location. 

What Causes Taxi Accidents in Edmond?

A wide range of factors can cause taxi accidents in Edmond. Your taxi accident lawyers in Edmond will try to get to the bottom of the situation and determine what exactly caused the collision. In some cases, the root cause will be obvious. In other, more complex cases, multiple drivers may have contributed to the accident. For example, a “chain-reaction crash” may occur when one vehicle crashes into another, causing a domino effect of collisions. In other cases, a “near miss” can cause a vehicle to swerve to avoid an impact – only to strike a third vehicle. Drivers may be negligent even if they never actually collide with other vehicles. 

Of course, taxi drivers may cause accidents due to a wide range of negligent actions, including:

  • Drinking before driving
  • Doing drugs before driving
  • Becoming distracted by conversations
  • Becoming distracted by their phones
  • Eating while driving
  • Not maintaining their vehicles
  • Speeding
  • Driving recklessly
  • Driving under the effects of sleep deprivation

The taxi company may also be negligent in a number of ways:

  • Failing to properly maintain their vehicles
  • Hiring drivers without conducting background checks
  • Failing to suspend drivers for past acts of negligence
  • Failing to have vehicles properly inspected

Types of Taxi Accidents in Edmond

There are many different types of taxi accidents in Edmond. These include:

  • T-bone taxi accidents
  • Left-hand turn taxi accidents
  • Rear-end taxi accidents
  • Head-on taxi accidents
  • Bicycle taxi accidents
  • Pedestrian taxi accidents

Passengers are not the only people who can receive compensation for taxi accidents. Pedestrians, cyclists, and other motorists can also file injury claims against taxi drivers and taxi companies. 

What Kinds of Damages Can I Claim After a Taxi Accident in Edmond?

Injured victims of taxi accidents can claim a wide range of damages. These damages are divided into two categories:

  • Non-Economic Damages: Non-economic damages include things like PTSD, depression, loss of consortium, loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress, pain and suffering, and disfigurement. These are emotional or psychological losses, and they may result in compensation despite their non-financial nature.
  • Economic Damages: Economic damages include things like medical expenses, missed wages, and funeral expenses. These are financial losses that can be represented with clear numerical values. It is imperative that you seek compensation for these damages to avoid debt and financial insecurity. 

By assessing your economic and non-economic damages, you can get a sense of how much your claim might be worth. Add up all of your economic damages and consider the extent of your non-economic damages. Your economic damages may be multiplied by a numerical value that represents your non-economic damages. It is very important to get medical attention after your accident to show that your injuries are legitimate. 

Where Can I Find Taxi Accident Lawyers in Edmond?

If you have been injured in a taxi accident, be sure to get in touch with McGuire Law Firm as soon as possible. Remember, the statute of limitations may prevent you from suing if you wait too long. While internet research serves as a positive first step, only qualified taxi accident lawyers in Edmond can provide legal advice based on years of experience. The sooner you get in touch, the sooner you can start pursuing compensation. Reach out today

Frequently Asked Questions for Edmond Taxi Attorneys:

Do you have to wear a seatbelt while riding in a taxi?

It depends on where you are sitting. Every front seat passenger is required by law to wear a seatbelt. Backseat passengers are not required by law to wear one but it is highly recommended.

Do taxi accidents have a different statute of limitations than a typical car accident?

No, the statute of limitations is the same for a car accident and a taxi accident. In Oklahoma this time frame is two years from the date of your accident.

What should I do immediately following a taxi accident?

Immediately following an accident it is important to make sure you are okay. If you have any injuries it is important to go get medical attention. If the injuries are not severe it is a good idea to the scene of the accident to call the police to get a police report, take photos of the accident, and exchange contact information with the other party before getting medical attention.

Do I need to file a police report after a taxi accident in Edmond?

If someone was injured in the accident you need to call the police immediately to evaluate the scene. From there the police officers will create a police report. You can then call the station to obtain a copy of this report.

Are taxi drivers required to have insurance in Oklahoma?

Yes, on top of regular car insurance, the taxi company does have their own taxi insurance. This is to protect all parties involved in the event of an accident.

What factors will impact the value of my taxi accident case?

The value of your taxi accident case will depend on a variety of factors. It will depend on how bad your injuries are, how long you were out of work, and how at fault you are found. The best way to know how much your case is worth is to contact an Edmond taxi accident lawyer.

How long will my taxi accident case take?

Each case is different and therefore there is no set time for how long taxi accidents take. On average these types of cases tend to take a couple of months to a year, but they can be both longer and shorter time frames.

If the taxi driver wasn’t the cause of the accident am I still covered under the taxi company’s insurance?

As a passenger in a taxi accident you are able to file a third party liability claim to ensure that you are covered by either the taxi company’s insurance or the other driver’s insurance. It will then be up the investigation to see which of the parties was truly at fault and responsible for paying for your injuries.

How can the taxi company be held at fault for the accident?

A taxi company can be held liable for a taxi accident if their negligence may have attributed to the accident. This could be them failing to conduct a proper background check or if they didn’t properly maintain the taxi car.