Riding a motorcycle can be a very fulfilling experience. However, it can also put you in a vulnerable position on the road. In a car, your vehicle’s metal frame may offer a degree of protection in an accident. Not so with a motorcycle.

Motorcyclists often sustain serious injuries when they’re involved in accidents. In fact, motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to die in a collision than occupants of motor vehicles.

One way you can avoid a motorcycle accident is to familiarize yourself with some of the most common types of crashes and why they occur.

Common motorcycle accidents include the following:

Left-Turn Accidents

A left-turn accident usually involves another driver making a left turn in front of a motorcycle in the lane to the left of them. This may result in an accident if a motorcycle rider does not have time to stop. It can also cause harm to a motorcyclist if they swerve off the road to avoid a collision.

The best way to avoid this type of accident is to always look for signs that someone is about to turn left. This may include using their turn signal or moving into a left turning lane.

Frontal Crashes

A head-on collision with another vehicle can occur for a number of reasons. Guard against this type of accident by staying towards the right side of the lane and paying close attention to the road.

Drunk Driving Accidents

You know you should never operate any motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. However, you can’t control another driver’s decision to drink and drive. 

To avoid being in an accident caused by another drunk driver, don’t ride your motorcycle late at night or early in the morning. Most drunk driving accidents occur between midnight and 3:00 AM.

Lane-Changing Accidents

Sometimes drivers don’t check their blind spots when changing lanes. This can easily cause a motorcycle accident; motorcycles are more difficult to spot than other vehicles due to their size.

Look for signs that a driver is preparing to change lanes. You should also avoid remaining in a blind spot. If you’re riding next to another vehicle for a long time, consider how to get out of their blind spot. Depending on the circumstances, this may involve slowing down or speeding up to overtake them.

Turning Corners Fast

It can be difficult to properly maneuver a motorcycle when turning corners. Make a point of taking it slow when turning a corner to avoid injuries.

Being Rear-Ended

Being rear-ended in a car can result in minor property damage. However, being rear-ended on a motorcycle has the potential to cause serious injury. Minimize your chances of being rear-ended by checking your mirrors for approaching vehicles. Additionally, it’s a good idea to flash your brake lights regularly. This improves the odds of other drivers being able to see you on the road.


If you’re riding in the city, you may be traveling close to parked vehicles. If an occupant of a vehicle opens their door without checking for traffic, you might collide with the door.

You should ride slowly when next to parked vehicles. If you can, avoid riding in these environments entirely.

Just remember, accidents can happen even when you’re operating your vehicle responsibly. You may be involved in an accident because someone else is negligent on the road. While that will hopefully never happen, it’s important to understand that you have legal options if it does. Review your case with an attorney to learn more.

To learn more, call our law firm at (405) 513-5658 or just visit our contact us page to send us an email and we will get back to you.

Contact the Oklahoma City Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at McGuire Law Firm Today for Free Consultation

For more information, please contact the Oklahoma City motorcycle accident law firm of McGuire Law Firm at our nearest location to schedule a free consultation today.

We serve throughout Oklahoma and its surrounding areas:


McGuire Law Firm – Edmond
200 E 10th Street Plaza
Edmond, OK 73034
United States
(405) 513-5658